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Sunday, December 6, 2015

An Angel Flew Home

JoGeo Keah 1974 - 2015
JoGeo Keah 1974 - 2015

I Only Met JoGeo Keah Once

It's that way with some people.  They don't have to say or do a lot, yet they leave an impression which lasts a life time.  I have been fortunate enough to meet three such people while traversing the winding, challenging and sometimes tragic highways of my life.  The only way I can describe them is special.  Yes, I know we are all special; but there is no denying the rare people placed sporadically about this big blue marble who seem to have a extra ingredient or two.  That extra "special recipe" which surrounds them with the gift of warmth, serenity and love.

I'm probably not doing a very good job of explaining this phenomena.  I'm a writer, not a philosopher, indulge me while I try again.  Have you ever met a person and you don't know why you feel really good when you are around them?  They promote feelings in you that say, "everything is going to be okay", even when they haven't uttered a word.  Their mere presence wraps you in an invisible blanket of peace and comfort.  Their lives, though far from perfect, encourage those around them to do better, give more of yourself, blaze your own path and love with all you have.  Think of a super positive, no side-effects, walking, talking version of vicodin, or oxycontin.  Are you getting this yet?  

JoGeo Keah
JoGeo Keah was such a person.  I met him once at a birthday party.  Our interaction probably lasted no more than an hour, but it wasn't difficult to see JoGeo was a guy blessed with the "special recipe".  After that night, our roads never intersected again, but I never forgot him.  JoGeo's brilliant glow may not be lucent where we can bask in it anymore; but I believe a light, which burned so pure and so bright, can never be extinguished.  

JoGeo, though you have flown away, you will forever be nestled within our hearts.  You are greatly missed.  Many tears are still shed at the empty space you now leave.  We understand...or try to.  It was time for you, an earth-bound angel to return home.  You go with much love from those left in the shadow of your wings.


Unknown said...

Very well said and beautifully written!

Not Wired That Way said...

Thank You.